Design Dance

The Saloni are carrying forward their cultural and didactic campaign with an event/show illustrating man’s development through a unique focus on design. A learning curve based on man’s progress over the years, as seen through a multitude of objects tracin

This is the third episode in the trilogy on the birth and rise of Italian design, in which the Saloni were both promoters and protagonists last year with the theatrical production “Great Hands: Without End”* realized with the Piccolo Teatro and the fourth edition of the Triennale Design Museum “Dream Factories”**. The main event at the Saloni 2012 is dedicated to those men, those companies and, in particular, to those hundreds of objects that laid the ground for the Italian design system and its aspirations.

Johannes Itten of the Bauhaus School said that “Experiencing an object is dependent on the forces of the mind and soul. To perceive means to be moved, and to be moved means to form.”

Taking the objects as a starting point, therefore, allowing them – whether they be useful, good-looking, useless, debateable – to demonstrate the great power contained within themselves is, basically, what “Design Dance” is all about, furthering the great Cosmit tradition of combining trade fair and commercial mandate with art and communication. The event is to be held at the Teatro dell’Arte at the Triennale di Milano.

“Design Dance” – a project by Michela Marelli and Francesca Molteni, the latter has already curated several events for the Saloni, “A Celestial Bathroom” at the Milan Planetarium in 2010 – enables the works by the protagonists of design to speak and act, dance even. The objects become actors and storytellers because, as with all the fruits of human creativity, they narrate the emotional run-up to their inception. Modern day objects and objects from the past, classical and modern, together with SaloneSatellite designs that have “come true” by going into production.

A story, a narrative, but also and above all a dance, an infinite sequence of actions. Moments when the objects behave like real actors, moments when the objects interact with actors and dancers. “Design Dance” is exactly this: a performance made up of voices, bodies and objects, narrating the marvellous story of design. It is a moving homage to those many forefathers who enabled us to be born into and grow up in a better world than the one they came into and lived in. It is an attempt to channel their enthusiasm and power into a bid to look to the future, heads held high.

Teatro dell’Arte, Triennale di Milano
Viale Alemagna 6, Milan
17th – 22nd April

Time of performance: from 17th to 20th April 8.30pm
21st and 22nd April 4.00pm and 8.30pm

Project: Michela Marelli and Francesca Molteni
Script and Production: Michela Marelli, Francesca Molteni, Filippo Soldi
Video: Francesca Molteni in collaboration with Studio Due Effe
Scenery: Margherita Palli with the NABA School of Scenography, Francesca Pedrotti, Alice De Bortoli, Matteo Patrucco, Laura Galmarini, Federica Barbino, Lidia Musio e Francesca De Francesco
Costumes: students from the NABA Three-year Fashion Design Course, project curated by Colomba Leddi and Caterina Filice with Andrea Trinceri (NABA Department of Fashion Design)
Lighting: Claudio De Pace
Music: Fabrizio Campanelli
Production: Muse Factory of Projects/teatro in-folio promoted by the Fondazione Cariplo
Progetto Être and NABA, Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti Milano
With the support of Fondazione Cariplo-Progetto Être and NABA, Nuova Accademia
di Belle Arti Milano

*a cooproduction in collaboration with Piccolo Teatro di Milano and Fondazione Giannino Bassetti, FederlegnoArredo, the Milan and Monza-Brianza Chambers of Commerce of the theatrical piece written, directed and played by Laura Curino on stage at the Piccolo Teatro Studio Expo next April, from 17th to 24th.

** until 4th March 2012
Director Silvana Annicchiarico, Scientific curator: Alberto Alessi, Design and graphic project
of the exhibition and catalogue: Martí Guixé, main partner: Cosmit

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