Bermex names its new High Point building The Factory

HIGH POINT — Bermex Group has named its new High Point showroom building The Factory, a nod to the historical structure's past as the former Adams-Millis Hosiery Mill.

Bermex Group’s future High Point home, the former Adams-Millis upholstery factory at 400 W. English Road, was built around 1910 but has been renovated in recent years. 

The building at 400 W. English Rd. will house all 10 of the Louiseville, Quebec-based manufacturer's brands under one roof: Bermex, Bertanie, Dinec, Midi, Jaymar, Jaymar Mattress, Shermag, Liinz, Dezmo and the new D-10 Collection. It will be open for the spring High Point Market.

Bermex acquired the 95,000-square-foot building this past summer. Officials said the former owner of The Factory, also previously known as the Natale building, had already taken steps to renovate and restore the building in keeping with its original early 20th century architecture and charm. Bermex is renovating it further, with the aid of local designers, into four floors of loft-style showrooms.

"Our goal is to use The Factory's historic, simple beauty and natural resources along with creative trendy designs of today to create a unique stage for our product that has never been seen before," said Nancy Villemure, vice president of marketing.

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