NHFA partners with marketing, ad firm Banner Marketing

The National Home Furnishings Assn. has partnered with Banner Marketing, an integrated marketing and advertising firm.

HIGH POINT — The National Home Furnishings Assn. has partnered with Banner Marketing, an integrated marketing and advertising firm, to provide association members with enhanced access to Banner's services, according to a press release.

"Offering insight to consumer shopping behaviors and comprehensive strategies for connecting with today's buyers, Banner Marketing will make a valuable contribution to our members' long-term success," said Steve DeHaan, NFHA executive vice president, said in a press release.

The partnership is an extension of Banner Marketing's industry outreach efforts. Last spring, the company formed an alliance with Western Home Furnishings Assn., an affiliate of NHFA.

"Consumers and their shopping habits are changing rapidly, and for retailers - particularly small, independent shops - it's important to evolve with them. We're here to help retailers adjust their marketing strategies and learn how to integrate traditional and digital efforts to get the best sales results," said Banner CEO John Dresel.

Banner Marketing works with clients to create marketing programs that combine traditional and digital elements. Programs rely on driving traffic to custom-built websites featuring content that reflects current promotions and offerings. The sites also capture consumer information, enabling retailers to target promotions and marketing strategies better.

Banner Marketing also is a platinum sponsor for the 2011 Home Furnishings Industry Conference, a joint effort of NHFA and WHFA, set for April 30-May 2 in San Antonio.

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