Antidumping review of 2010 shipments starts

Interested parties have until the end of this month to name companies they wish to be included in the next administrative review in the wooden bedroom furniture case.

WASHINGTON — Interested parties have until the end of this month to name companies they wish to be included in the next administrative review in the wooden bedroom furniture case.
The annual review gives companies a chance to determine whether specific Chinese producers of wooden bedroom furniture warrant a change from their initial duties, also known as the cash deposit rate.

In some cases, the review determines that a producer warrants a higher duty and in others a lower rate is assigned. Manufacturers also can pay a settlement fee to the petitioners - the U.S. producers that supported the initial investigation into the pricing tactics of Chinese manufacturers in 2003 - in order to keep their duty rates the same.

Petitioners can name any manufacturer they wish to be reviewed. Chinese producers can name their own company, and importers can request a review for the companies from which they purchased.

The review, the sixth since duties went into place in 2004, will cover shipments made in 2010.

For more information on the review, contact Sheila Forbes at the U.S. Department of Commerce at (202) 482-4697.

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