Furniture Today Retail Planning Guide 2011

Furniture Today's Retail Planning Guide 2011 includes our economic analyses of the year that was 2010 and our outlook for 2011.

Furniture Today's Retail Planning Guide 2011 includes our economic analyses of the year that was 2010 and our outlook for 2011. The report is divided into four main sections:

Economic Outlook - A detailed look at 2010 furniture and bedding sales at retail for the major metropolitan areas and retail sales projections for 2015. Sales data was estimated in partnership with Easy Analytic Software Inc., based in New York. 2010 estimates and 2015 projections are given for all the 50 U.S. states, the Northeast, Midwest, South, West, the fastest-growing small metro markets, the top 15 major markets and the fastest-growing major markets.

Furniture Store Performance Report - Provides store merchandise mix data from Furniture/Today's annual Furniture Store Performance Reports.

Industry Outlook - Begins with an overview of furniture and bedding sales for 2010, including 2010 retail sales by product category and an overview of consumer spending on furniture and bedding from 2002 through 2010. This section also includes analysis, including style trends, for all major furniture product categories.

Rankings - Highlights from Furniture Today's exclusive rankings from 2010, including the Top 100 U.S. furniture stores, Beyond the Top 100 Furniture Stores, Top 25 U.S. furniture and bedding retailers, Top 25 Sources for the U.S. market and Top 25 U.S. bedding producers.

*For the full report, see our December print issue of Furniture Today, or click here to order the exclusive online version.

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