6.374 Billion Yuan Income of Red Star Macalline in the First Half of 2018, An Increase of 25.69%

The overall growth situation is good.

On the evening of August 27, Red Star Macalline released the 2018 semi-annual report. The report showed that Red Star Macalline 2018 achieved operating revenue of 6.374 billion yuan in the first half of the year, up 25.69% year-on-year, and the net profit attributable to shareholders of listed company was 3.039 billion yuan. The year-on-year growth was 48.57%, and the overall growth was good.


Red Star Macalline First half of 2017, 2018 Operationg Income Comparison, Operating income, year-on-year growth rate, net profits


Red Star Macalline mainly provides comprehensive services for merchants, consumers and partners by operating and managing self-operated shopping malls and managing shopping malls. It also provides pan-home consumer services and logistics distribution services including Internet home improvement and Internet retail.


As of June 30, 2018, Red Star Macalline operated 267 stores in 180 cities in 29 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions in China, with a total operating area of nearly 16 million square meters, including 75 self-operated shopping malls and 192 committees tube shopping mall.



As of June 30, 2018, Red Star Macalline has 25 self-operated shopping malls (including 20 owned and 5 leased), with a planned building area of approximately 2,599,500 square meters. In the future, Red Star Macalline will continue Focus on the self-operated shopping malls in the core areas of first- and second-tier cities, and rapidly expand the management malls in third-tier cities and other cities.


Red Star Macalline has opened its own self-operated shopping malls in the report period to obtain operating income of 3.801 billion yuan, an increase of 10.6% over the same period of the previous year, gross margin of 77.9%, compared with the same period in 2017, gross margin increased by 0.8 percentage points.


In the future, Red Star Macalline emphasizes that it will continue to maintain transformation and upgrade. Focusing on the strategic positioning of “all-channel pan-home service platform service providers”, with “home” as the core, the upstream and downstream cross-border extension of business will create the commercial life of the pan-home industry community; it will continue to implement the two-wheel drive business model of self-operated shopping malls and commissioned shopping malls, strategically expand the shopping mall network and brand portfolio, and strive to become the new retail benchmark for the home decoration and furniture industry, enhance competitiveness through digital strategy, and actively seek suitable Investment and M&A targets to explore opportunities for asset securitization.


In the first half of 2018, Red Star Macalline relied on the advantages of capital to be widely distributed. From the perspective of layout, it includes various fields such as entertainment, smart home, custom home, artificial intelligence and so on.


This series of investments also revealed that Red Star Macalline is not willing to be the ambition of the home industry circulation giant. In addition to operating the mall, in recent years, Red Star Macalline has also been testing the Internet transformation, but from the show As a result, it seems that several external products have had little effect, and it seems that the road to transformation is difficult.


In July, Red Star Macalline CEO Li Bin has officially resigned, showing the difficulty that Li Bin encountered as a reformer and innovator to make Red Star Macalline move into an internet platform.


(Source: JJgle.com)

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