China Home Furniture Market Divided by Three Major Parts

Refined Decoration Houses, Home Furnishing Enterprises and Building Material Stores

Recently, Realty Big Data of All View Cloud has indicated that the sales channels in the home furnishing market in China in the future will continue to “be divided into three parts”, where the channels of home furnishing used for decoration and sales of refined decoration houses can reach 20%, the channels of selling to the assembly enterprises can reach 30% and the retail channels of the home building material stores will still be expected to occupy 50% of the market share.


Due to the rapid growth of the finished houses of refined decoration, home furnishing has been regarded as a part of the refined decoration and has been sold with the houses, and such expansion of the sales channels has been one of the important driving force of the entire home realty market. As the assembly upsurge rises one after another, the home declaration enterprises transferring to the assembly service has also seized a place in the home furnishing market.


Refined decoration home


Meanwhile, according to the data, among the residential projects newly commenced in 2018, the roughcast houses have still been the main supply force, and the covered area of the residential projects commenced has accounted for more than 74%. The consumers have still purchase the products with the relatively low supporting rate in the residence from the home building material stores, and plus, the stores have been favored by capitals in the new retail reform, the market competitiveness of the store retail has still been strong.


In the home furnishing market of China, the sales channels’ pattern “divided into three parts” has been formed and will continue to develop.



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