N.J. Thomasville retailer surprises woman with furniture donation

Tiffani Waters, center, was taken by surprise by Thomasville Home Furnishings of New Jersey’s donati

Bedroom, living room and dining room furniture was delivered and staged for Tiffani Waters, a student at Montclair University who suffers from multiple sclerosis and had been living in the First Montclair House without furniture. Witnesses said that when Waters entered her apartment, she was overwhelmed.

Those in attendance for the surprise delivery included Michael Massood, CEO of Thomasville Home Furnishings of New Jersey; J. Kenneth Pagano, president of the New Jersey Affordable Housing Management Assn.; and members of the First Montclair House board of directors.

Since 2006, Thomasville Home Furnishings of New Jersey has made 47 other In Time of Need donations and plans more over the next several months. In addition to CEO Michael Massood, the organization is headed by Edward Massood, chief operating officer.

More information on the In Time of Need program is available online at jahma.org, the website of the New Jersey Affordable Housing Management Assn.

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