Company C launches online design contest Asks fans to 'Dream In Full Color' for inspiration

Colorful rug and home accessory vendor Company C is launching a contest on Pinterest and Facebook inenter, log onto Pinterest and follow Company C. Create a Pinterest board, named "Dream In Full Color" featuring a room that could use some Company C color. Upload a current photo of the room and pin Company C products to inspire the room redesign. For each pin, tag @CompanyC and include the hashtag #DreamInColor.

he "Dream In Full Color" contest will begin on Feb. 28 and run to March 28. The winning entry will be chosen by April 15.

To enter, log onto Pinterest and follow Company C. Create a Pinterest board, named "Dream In Full Color" featuring a room that could use some Company C color. Upload a current photo of the room and pin Company C products to inspire the room redesign. For each pin, tag @CompanyC and include the hashtag #DreamInColor.

Once complete, enter the contest by liking Company C's Facebook page and sharing a link to the "Dream In Full Color" board on Company C's contest tab.

One winner will receive a $10,000 shopping spree with Company C, a free design consultation with a Company C consultant and up to four hours of one-on-one time with Company C co-founder Chris Chapin.

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