Oxymoron Desk by Anna Lotova stores stationery between cushioned layers

A sliced opening along the top plywood sheet exposes the soft layer underneath, creating a place where documents and stationery can be inserted.

Russian designer Anna Lotova slotted two layers of foam beneath the surface of this wooden desk to create squishy

 spaces for storing stationery and other objects.
Named Oxymoron Desk, the piece combines two contrasting materials for its tabletop;  two thick layers of

 upholstered foam are sandwiched between a pair of plywood sheets with curved edges.


A sliced opening along the top plywood sheet exposes the soft layer underneath, creating a place where documents

 and stationery can be inserted.

"As an architect and designer I know how important it is to have a comfortable and enjoyable work table," said

Lotova. "Oxymoron Desk is a result of interaction between two contradictory materials that enhance each other and

gain a new meaning."


A side table can also be added by slipping an extra piece of plywood between the two cushioned layers on either

 side of the desk.

An accompanying lamp can also be inserted between the layers, or can be slotted into the top and positioned at

different angles.

Here's some more information from the designer:

Oxymoron Desk

In my projects I look for the lighthearted, hidden humour in every material that I work with.

As an architect and designer I know how important it is to have a comfortable and enjoyable work table. I was

 always interested in small details that make one like or dislike his own workplace.

We have to change our behaviour, plan and think of work with a different mindset: no matter where an office is

 situated, it has to have a space it can call its own, identifiable, alterable, on a human scale, with its own history and

objects, an enjoyable environment. That's why for my thesis project in master of product design I decided to choose

 this topic.

Oxymoron Desk is a result of interaction between two contradictory materials that enhance each other and gain a

 new meaning. Two layers of foam with an alcantara cloth are placed between plywood sheets to form a toolbox to

 store documents, objects and technical devices.

This work table includes a lamp and a side desk. Both of them can be inserted from different sides and positions,

what gives freedom to the user.

Oxymoron workplace creates pleasant, fresh surroundings that hover between work and home environments.


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