fetiche design: exo chair

brazilian designers carolina armellini and paulo biancchi of fetiche design studio created the 'exo chair' for brazilian home design organization schuster. the piece serves as as an exoskeleton for the human being, emulating the casing of an insect. woode

rear view
images courtesy of fetiche design studio

brazilian designers carolina armellini and paulo biancchi of fetiche design studio created the 'exo chair'
for brazilian home design organization schuster. the piece serves as as an exoskeleton for the human being,
emulating the casing of an insect. wooden triangles form the protective outer layer while the seat of the chair is fashioned from leather, and the legs from wood dowels. the 'exo chair' is a frame to support and protect the human form, providing a cradling space for the sitter.

front view

underside view

preliminary model of the 'exo chair', front view

preliminary model, back view

test model for the piece

process for the chair concept

model of the chair seat, back view

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