Typeshelf by Ufuk Keskin Knows What Its Purpose In Life Is

The Typeshelf storage solution designed by Ufuk Keskin is a simple yet effective shelf that can also make an impression with anyone entering your office or room. We’re looking at a simple stainless steel design which features cut 2D letters, spelling the

The Typeshelf storage solution designed by Ufuk Keskin is a simple yet effective shelf that can also make an impression with anyone entering your office or room. We’re looking at a simple stainless steel design which features cut 2D letters, spelling the word “shelf” to form the actual storage surface which will be ready to support the weight of your favorite books. Are you worried those books will one day fall down? You shouldn’t be as, after all, this is a steel structure resistant enough to deal with a few books day in and day out. Just don’t throw any keys or loose change on the Typeshelf as it has plenty of holes, which will let small objects fall down with ease.

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