Brilliant Emoticons Collection by Tomas Ekström

“Emoticons, The emotional meaning of form, shape and music” is a book and a furniture collection by designer and illustrator from Stockholm, Sweden, Tomas Ekstr?m who works under the alias Kallbrand.

“Emoticons, The emotional meaning of form, shape and music” is a book and a furniture collection by designer and illustrator from Stockholm, Sweden, Tomas Ekström who works under the alias Kallbrand. His exploration of emotional design began with the question “How do you design happiness? With Emoticons Ekström tries to unearth and explain the “emotional valence of the fundamental elements and principles that constitute the media of form, shape and music. The properties that make up each media is methodically and thoroughly investigated and different ways of manipulating them so as to purposefully communicate a specific emotional message”.

Rapture Form Emoticon

Repose Form Emoticon

Dread Form Emoticon

Despondence Form Emoticon

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