Designer Unveils Cocoon Furniture Spun by Silkworms

Designer Rock Wang has unveiled an incredible line of furniture created by silk worms spinning fibers around a bamboo form.

Designer Rock Wang has unveiled an incredible line of furniture created by silk worms spinning fibers around a bamboo form. Each piece takes 5 days of spinning to create and the result is a 100% natural silk-covered chair that is durable and waterproof. Beautiful and sculptural, Wang’s “Cocoon Plan” line of furnishings is the best representation of “design by nature” that we have seen so far at Milan Design Week.


Wang weaves bamboo strips together by hand to form the organic underlying structure for his “Cocoon Plan” furniture. This intricate process takes about five days to complete. Then he hangs the chair in the air by running a line through the circular openings. These openings also serve as handles for moving the rather large chair around. Wang then allows silk worms to spin a natural cocoon around the form for five days, creating a stunning chair covered in silk.


Wang’s Cocoon Plan furniture is part of the larger Yii exhibition, which features design and crafts from Taiwan, China. Be sure to check out all of our coverage from Milan Design Week and check for new updates in our photo gallery.

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