Jaipur Home extends consignment container program

Jaipur Home is offering a consignment-basis container program for FMG members which includes accent and decorative items with unique finish treatments and detailing.

Jaipur Home is offering a consignment-basis container program for FMG members which includes accent and decorative items with unique finish treatments and detailing.

Called OOK, the program has been piloted by select retail customers and offers a choice of four-to-five containers of factory items. The consignment promotion has been extended to end July 15.

Through the program retailers are responsible for paying container freight directly to freight providers. Those costs are due before items can be loaded-in.

The program offers an open-ended invoice that allows retailers to take possession and ownership of goods. Payment and reporting can be done on a weekly, bi-weekly or monthly basis as goods are sold.

Jaipur offers spreadsheets of products available through the program with pricing provided.

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