Malaysia now China's 3rd largest Asian trade partner

The two-way trade volume between China and Malaysia in 2013 reached $106 billion, making Malaysia China's third largest trade partner in Asia, just next to Japan and South Korea, said Huang Huikang, China's ambassador to Malaysia, on Monday.

The two-way trade volume between China and Malaysia in 2013 reached $106 billion, making Malaysia China's third largest trade partner in Asia, just next to Japan and South Korea, said Huang Huikang, China's ambassador to Malaysia, on Monday.

When attending the welcome dinner of the Malaysia-China Friendship Association, Huang said as Chinese Premier Li Keqiang mentioned last year, the two-way trade volume between China and Malaysia in 2013 had reached a new high, exceeding $100 billion and reaching 106 billion.

This makes Malaysia China's third largest trade partner in Asia, just next to Japan and South Korea, and continue to be the largest trade partner among ASEAN countries, he said.

Huang also said that a lovely pair of pandas will arrive at Kuala Lumpur soon in conjunction with the 40th anniversary of China-Malaysia diplomatic ties.

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