IMPORTS. Turkey imported US$ 938 million of furniture goods in 2008, enabling the sector to boast a positive balance of trade. In 2011, Turkish imports amounted to US$ 945.2 million, showing a 28% increase on 2010. However, this figure is still lower than

IMPORTS. Turkey imported US$ 938 million of furniture goods in 2008, enabling the sector to boast a positive balance of trade. In 2011, Turkish imports amounted to US$ 945.2 million, showing a 28% increase on 2010. However, this figure is still lower than the increase in imports experienced in 2010 on 2009, which was 38%.
Net trade in 2011 amounted to a surplus of around US$ 758.7 million. Since 2009, Turkish exports have increased by around 20% annually, and this trend is expected to continue in 2013. In 2011 China strengthened its position as Turkey’s top provider of furniture imports. Chinese exports to Turkey reached around US$ 300 million, accounting for 35% of all Turkey’s furniture imports. Italy, Germany, Poland and Spain follow China. The other main countries of origin for Turkish furniture imports are Romania, Indonesia, Vietnam, the UK and Japan.
In 2011, Romania and the UK registered the largest percentage increases in Turkey’s furniture imports – by 100% and 230%, respectively.
EXPORTS. Today, Turkey stands as the 16th largest producer and 21st largest exporter of furniture in the world, with a global market share of nearly 2%, according to data provided by CSIL. Turkey currently exports to a total of 173 countries across five continents.
From 2003 to 2011, the country experienced a growth in exports of over 292%. The growing trend was strong and stable, except in 2009, when the global financial crisis caused exports to contract by 13%. MOSDER (The Association of Turkish Furniture Manufacturers) anticipates that Turkey will be among the world’s top 10 furniture sector exporters within the next 5 years, in line with its export growth of 20% in 2010-2011, based on the assumption that the same growth level will also occur in the next 2 years.
Iraq, Germany and Iran are the top three countries of destination for Turkish furniture exports, followed by Azerbaijan, France, Turkmenistan, The Netherlands, Russia, Saudi Arabia and Italy.
Although the global crisis resulted in a considerable drop in exports, Turkey is poised to increase its market share further.According to the Turkish furniture industry association, MOBSAD, furniture exports showed a roughly 40% drop – mostly in exports to Europe. On the other hand, furniture exports to the Middle Eastern countries increased by approximately 100%.
RECENT HISTORY. Turkey benefits from a unique geographic position, serving as a bridge between East and West. As a furniture exporting country, Turkey has invested a great deal in improving its production technology, management practices, marketing, sales, R&D and branding processes – most of Turkey’s exporters already meet the strict international quality standards. Thanks to globalisation, innovative improvements and brand marketing strategies, the international reputation of Turkey’s furniture production has improved and could further expand into new markets.
Courtesy of Furniture News, UK

(*)Zeki Yücel is the general manager at Ekin Publishing Group, based in Istanbul. He is the Turkish representative and secretary-general of the International Alliance of Furnishing Publications (IAFP).
Atlantis Fair Inc., belonging to Ekin Group, is organizing Furnistanbul 2014, first furniture import trade fair of Turkey to be held from 24-27 May 2014 at Tüyap Exhibition and Congress Centre, Istanbul

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