Commerce extends deadline for issuing final review on duty rates

Decision on Chinese wood bedroom shipments set for August

WASHINGTON, D.C. — The U.S. Department of Commerce has decided to extend the issuance of final results of the 2009 administrative review on Chinese wood bedroom furniture shipments by 60 days.

The review was originally slated for completion by early June, or 120 days after the preliminary results were issued in February. However, because officials need more time to consider issues raised with the release of those results, they agreed to extend the issuance of the final results to Aug. 11, thereby using a 60-day extension allowed by law.

The review determines whether the duty rates assigned to Chinese producers for their 2009 wood bedroom furniture shipments need to be adjusted. These rates are paid by companies that import the goods to the U.S.

For more information on the latest administrative review, contact Jeff Pedersen or David Edminston of the International Trade Administration at the U.S. Department of Commerce at (202) 482-2769 and (202) 482-0989, respectively.

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