Central/West Africa: Timber demand in China and EU moves ahead

Recently Asian producers were the main beneficiaries of firmer demand in the Chinese market but now African suppliers are experiencing a similar trend.

Selling from Central/West Africa to the Chinese market has steadily firmed, especially for the higher quality species and grades. Until recently Asian producers were the main beneficiaries of firmer demand in the Chinese market but now African suppliers are experiencing a similar trend. European demand is strengthening slowly and prices are very firm. In EU markets buyers are looking for prompt and timely shipment which is favouring West and Central African producers because of the shorter distances and their access to regular liner services.


Cameroon said to be considering total log export ban


Heavy rains in Gabon and in Northern Cameroon are hampering forest operations and reports say that in Cameroon sawn sapele is in tight supply due to low production. In other news, it is not yet clear how far Cameroon’s new restrictions on log exports are working. Log exports are restricted to secondary species only but it is rumoured that the government is considering a complete halt in log exports. Reports from local analysts say a decision may be made later in the year.There have been rumours in Cameroon of bubinga/kevazingo logs being discovered in containers destined for export and it appears the authorities are stepping up inspections of export shipments.


Sawn bubinga stocks may be licensed for export


As mentioned in an earlier report, Gabon is considering proposing bubinga/kevazingo be placed on the CITES list but it is not clear if other countries exporting this timber will support the listing.The authorities in Gabon have recently been assessing the level of bubinga/kevazingo stocks held by local companies and producers anticipate that licenses may be issued allowing some export of current stocks.


Congo Brazzaville production to remains modest at best


Reports on Congo Brazzaville are of relatively low production of okoume logs and sawnwood and a shortage of high grade okoume peeler logs. A new and rather large concession in the Northern region of Congo Brazzaville has been allocated but one long term producer in the country with a large concession has decided to sell the company. It is the assessment of analysts that in, the short term, Congo Brazzaville production levels will remain modest at best.


Competition between African and SE Asian timber heats up in South Africa


In South Africa stocks of imported mearnti picked up prior to the Chinese New Year celebrations in SE. Asia and importers priced up stocks at the latest rand exchange rate. Sales of US hardwoods are weak but SE Asian meranti exporters have now dropped prices slightly which has helped with their competition with West African hardwoods.  Buyers in South Africa are now waiting to see if West African mills react to the lower meranti prices.


Plywood buyers seeking high quality panels


West and central African producers of plywood report firm demand especially for higher grades, a trend previously reported mainly for Asian plywood. It appears that international markets are now much more demanding and require high quality veneers on both faces as well as in the plywood core.


(Source: globalwoodmarketsinfo)

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