The Talents à la Carte at MAISON&OBJET PARIS January 2015

Every MAISON&OBJET event provides a space for expression to six up-and-coming names in the world of design, offering them the chance to present their work to professionals from around the world.

(Editor: Leona)

Every MAISON&OBJET event provides a space for expression to six up-and-coming names in the world of design, offering them the chance to present their work to professionals from around the world.


For the upcoming MAISON&OBJET PARIS show held from the 23th to the 27th of January 2015, a selection of six young Mexican designers will be showcased.


In Hall 7, discover the works of: Christian Vivanco, Paul Roco, Liliana Ovalle, Studio davidpompa, Cooperativa Panorámica and FOAM & Perla Valtierra.


 Christian Vivanco


Christian heads the industrial Design department at the Centre for Higher Learning of Design, in Monterrey. He also develops products for international companies, in collaboration with various local craft shops. In 2009, he co-founded ‘The Emotion Lab’, a collaborative exercise that stimulated research on the value of emotions in the design process.



His influences come from Mexico’s history, Mediterranean everyday life and Japan’s nature-oriented culture.





Paul Roco


Paul Roco is a Mexican workshop dedicated to designing and manufacturing furniture, with a specialty in woodworking.


It was founded by Rodrigo Berrondo and Pablo Igartúa in 2008, after four years of working together in bespoke furniture design. Their shared interest in working with wood made them a unique match in the field of furniture design, where they achieved an interesting balance between functionality and aesthetics.




Liliana Ovalle


Liliana Ovalle is a London-based designer from Mexico, who graduated from the Royal College of Arts in 2006. Her work includes commissions but she also produces pieces for Plusdesign Gallery, Nodus and Anfora, to name a few.



She mostly explores themes such as the “incomplete” and the “unrehearsed”, which come from her observations of the urban environment.


Her designs have been selected for multiple exhibitions, including Design Miami, MoMA Store, Gallery Libby Sellers and Museo Poldi Pezzoli.




Studio davidpompa


Studio davidpompa est un jeune studio de design interdisciplinaire basé au Mexique et en Autriche.



Son fondateur, David Pompa Alarcón, a étudié le design produit à Londres, puis a décidé d’ouvrir en 2013 sa première boutique à Mexico.


Avec ses collections, il cherche à repenser et à réinventer l’artisanat mexicain. Il s'efforce de révéler la magie surprenante des matériaux traditionnels de son pays en les mettant en œuvre avec de nouvelles techniques et de nouvelles idées.




Cooperativa Panorámica


Cooperativa Panorámica is a group of young Mexican designers, exploring new design territories. In a true cooperative effort, they work on  specific  design  exercises  that  deliver  interpretations  on  various perspectives and rationalities about design.



At Panorámica, design is used as a means of expression – critical,inclusive and diverse.




FOAM & Perla Valtierra


FOAM is a young duo founded in 2011 by Mexican designers Omar Ramos and Alejandro Grande, who have collaborated on a number of projects which use locally sourced materials. Perla Valtierra is a Mexican designer and ceramist, who experiments with natural and local products and techniques, interpreting traditions and cultural contexts to make everyday objects. The three of them will be presenting an installation resulting from their collaboration around shared values.



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