MAISON&OBJET PARIS celebrates twenty years of home design (Part 1)

MAISON&OBJET PARIS came into being twenty years ago to open the doors to new market and business opportunities for designers, craftspeople, manufacturers, brands and distributors from the diverse decor and design sectors.


cook+design Studio (Hall 3)


(Editor: Leona)


MAISON&OBJET PARIS came into being twenty years ago to open the doors to new market and business opportunities for designers, craftspeople, manufacturers, brands and distributors from the diverse decor and design sectors.


To accomplish this mission, the show has grown and evolved around five key themes:
• Intensified international scope: making Paris an international platform for meeting and dialogue;
• Diverse disciplines: a comprehensive exposition ranging from objects to interiors;
• Stunning scenography: creating attractive, convincing, consumer-oriented atmospheres, rather than mere product displays;
• Major media coverage: promoting design and keeping the public and media informed of market developments;
• Inspiration and trends: producing exhibitions and conferences on the up-and-coming trends in today’s creation.


Event at cook+design Studio

This anniversary show, held from Friday 23 to Tuesday 27 January 2015, pulsed with a vibrant dynamic that confirms the relevance of this five-point focus. These leitmotifs have allowed MAISON&OBJET PARIS to build a multifaceted identity and lifestyle that is unrivalled anywhere in the world.


Ateliers d’Art de France exhibition - « Build »


MAKE an the three Trends Areas (Hall 7)

Laissez-faire is no longer the zeitgeist. Everyone wants to regain control. Homemade and handmade are drawing increasing number of devotees. Traditional forms of savoir-faire are once again a source of value for manufactures objects. In January 2015, MAISON&OBJET PARIS presents the theme MAKE, interpreted in the three Trends Areas – Nature Made, Human Made and Techno Made.


Nature Made, by François Bernard
Observing natural phenomena leads scientists and designers towards a common experimentation platform. Their work anticipates approaches to manufacturing that mimic or utilise the ways living things develop, to recreate their fascinating magic and spontaneous mutations.


Human Made, by Elizabeth Leriche
The metamorphoses that separate the raw material from the finished piece illustrate a vast and fascinating range of savoir-faire. The hand plays the leading role in this theatre of technique. A tool of the mind, we assign it its own intelligence, with knowledge shared and enriched from one generation to the next.


Techno Made, by Vincent Grégoire/NellyRodi
Digital feats have led to machines that are becoming benevolent partners. They meet our individual needs, democratise the production tool and allow improved interaction with our near and remote environments.


Birthday cake tasting

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