YiHua Life issues delisting warning

If the stock price continues to be below 1 yuan for the next 10 trading days, it will be delisted on January 13, 2021 at the earliest.

On December 29, YiHua Life issued an announcement stating that the closing price of the company’s stock has been lower than the face value of the stock (1 yuan) for 10 consecutive trading days (December 15, 2020-December 28, 2020). According to the relevant provisions of the Shanghai Stock Exchange Stock Listing Rules, the company's stocks may be terminated from listing.

According to regulations, if the daily closing price of the company's stock for 20 consecutive trading days is lower than the face value of the stock, the listing will be terminated.

It is reported that the stock price of YiHua Life has been below 1 yuan for 10 consecutive trading days. If the stock price continues to be below 1 yuan for the next 10 trading days, it will be delisted on January 13, 2021 at the earliest.

Last week, YiHua Life was rescued by an unrelated natural person, Huang Shulong. Huang Shulong intends to acquire 6% of the company through a partial offer. The  price of the acquisition is 1.15 yuan per share and the maximum capital required is expected to be 102 million yuan.

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