Ali releases 2020 home improvement ecological strategy

Ali released the 2020 home improvement ecological strategy, with an estimated turnover of RMB 1 trillion in 3 years

The 2020 Ali Home Improvement Ecological Strategy Summit was held in Hangzhou. At the Alibaba Home Improvement Ecological Strategy Summit, it was announced that the four major strategies of "localization", "contentization", "service upgrade" and "supply upgrade" will be pushed together. "The scale of home improvement transactions will reach one trillion in the next three years."


Three years, the transaction size is 1 trillion, which is obviously not a small target. But this is not impossible. The reason for this confidence is mainly because we have seen the explosive growth of Ali's home improvement business this year.


As an important part of Alibaba's large home ecology, Lai Ping Designer has played an increasingly important value here and is helping the home industry chain to carry out digital ecological reforms.


According to data from Alibaba’s fiscal year 2020, 2049 brands have joined the Tmall home improvement platform. The number of brands with a turnover of 100 million on Tmall’s home improvement reached 111, and 8 brands have exceeded 1 billion, and brands with a growth rate of more than 100% exceeded 2000.


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