China customized household furniture enterprises have realized substantial growth


The overall performance is high;Complete the strategic layout.

In recent years, revenue of customized furniture in China has realized high-speed growth of 30%-40%. Recently, many customized household furniture enterprises in China such as OPPEIN, Suofeiya, Shangpinzhaipei have released the enterprise report.


Reports reveal that these customized household furniture enterprises have realized substantial growth of revenue, occurrence of concepts of integrate fitment and internet home decoration will drive rapid growth of the customized furniture industry which will have a huge development space.


The overall performance is high.


Suofeiya, OPPEIN and Shangpinzhaipei are far ahead of other customized Chinese enterprises in terms of revenue and growth rate.


According to prediction of performance report of OPPEIN, it has realized the revenue of RMB 9.5 billion - RMB 9.9 billion in 2017; And Suofeiya and Shangpinzhaipei have realized the revenue of RMB 6.162 and RMB 5.334 billion respectively in 2017. According to statistics, all the growth rate of revenue of Suofeiya, OPPEIN and Shangpinzhaipei is 30%- 40% and the growth rate of net profit is about 40%.


Complete the strategic layout.


Suofeiya is carrying out the big household furniture strategy, OPPEIN has put forward the whole house customized package and Shangpinzhaipei continuously makes efforts in the whole house customization field. At the same time, all the enterprises are speed up exploration of channels.


According to the financial report, Suofeiya is carrying out the big household strategy; taking Suofeiya customized furniture as the core and has successively put forward new businesses such as cabinet and wooden door. Meanwhile, the Company has put forward many kinds of high-end products such as Teflon solid wood and carries out strategies both in terms of style and price.


OPPEIN has products including cabinet, wardrobe, wooden door, bathroom accessory, kitchen appliance and wall decoration, covering many fields of the whole house customization. It is said that the cabinet market share of the OPPEIN is the first in China. It has put forward the whole house customization package to promote one-stop purchase of consumers.


After Shangpinzhaipei is listed, it depends on its advantage on the capital market, continuously makes efforts in the whole house customization field and has put forward series of package products such as the "optimization of Shangpinzhaipei" and "Wayes Selection" for living room and has realized significant revenue. Besides, the Shangpinzhaipei has also put forward the integrate fitment cloud platform, which provides convenience for customized furniture of the company to some extent.


Data reveal that all enterprises were experiencing the growth period of rapid store establishment in 2017 to speed up exploration of channels. According to statistics, up to the end of 2017, the number of franchise stores of Suofeiya and Schmidt has reached 2,200 (excluding stores in the supermarkets) and 720 respectively.


In 2017, OPPEIN put forward the young brand Oppolia characterized by differential positioning, targeted at the low-end and medium-end market and carried out layout in the second-tire and third-tire cities. Presently, the company has established 2,919 stores (including OPPEIN and Oppolia). And the number of wardrobe stores has been up to 1,768.


Up to the end of 2017, the total number of franchised stores of Shangpinzhaipei has been up to 1,557 (including the stores in fitment), increasing by 476 stores compared with that of the same period of last year. More than 70% of the stores are in third-tire, forth-tire and fifth-tire cities. Direct-sale stores are in the first-tire and second-tier cities. 



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