UK furniture design industry may not be protected from EU infringement from 2021

The EU, in its negotiations with the UK over Brexit, made a decision that unregistered community designprotection will no longer apply to each other between the UK and the EU-27.

Recently, during the negotiations with the UK on Brexit, the European Union made a decision: the UK and the EU27 will no longer apply unregistered community designprotection to each other, and the designs that first appeared in the UK under the framework of this agreement, including distinctive features such as color and shape, will automatically be subject to the EU27. The anti-tort protection. The agreement will expire on January 1 next year.


Previously, design patents that first appeared in the UK would automatically be included in the EU's anti-infringement protection system. The agencies estimate that once the agreement lapses, the UK design industry will lose 25% of its overall turnover and around 20% of its workforce will face unemployment.


Meanwhile. The furniture industry, which relies on the design process, will find it much more difficult to export to Europe in the future. In the loss of unregistered Community design protection under the protection of the United Kingdom, the first issue of furniture in the United Kingdom, in the European Union, there will be a legal copy of the situation, and the copying party exists to pre-empt the opportunity to register a patent.


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