Markor Furnishings x IBM, a New Retail Mode Promoted by Internet

Markor Furnishings has been the first to apply the Internet in the offline stores

After the e-commerce appeared on the Internet, with the Internet technology revolution time after time, the retail industry has entered the “network era”. How the furniture industry grasps the Internet to carry out the new retail model has become a hot topic recently.


Markor Furnishings has been the first to apply the Internet in the offline stores. Among 100 stores nationwide, Markor Furnishings has made deep cooperation with IBM to bring the Internet to the retail mode of the customers shopping in the physical stores to effectively optimize the sales process and create the more fascinating customer experience. 




In the physical store of Markor Furnishings, the design consultants will use iPad to assist the customers to stimulate the soft decoration planning, and they will use the app developed by cooperating with IBM to capture the customer preference, display products and share the concept with the product developer, so as to make the best work to meet the customers’ expectations for “home”.



(Source: JJGLE.COM)

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