When Mercedes Benz, Ferrari and Lamborghini Begin to Sell Furnitures

It was designed to salute the series of car Maybach, and presents the design concept of Benz- "Sensibiliy and Purity”.

More and more high lever auto brands begin to expand the sales out of the auto into the furniture area, such as sound box of Lamborghini, double bed of Bentley, office chair of Ferrari.


sound box of Lamborghini

Sound box of Lamborghini


double-bed of Bentley

Double-bed of Bentley


office chair of Ferrari

Office chair of Ferrari


Compared with the normal furniture, those furnitures designed by auto designers take the marks of speed of exthusiasm, and also the disadvantages are clear: not suitable to the whole style of household which insists to give people a more relax and silent feeling.


In our minds, automobile is always linked to the speed and tabernacle, in contrast, house must give the habitant a kind of stability. To achieve the balance between them, is not a case.


However, Mercedes Benz has recently launched a series of Mercedes Household Furniture, with the simplified form of furniture, rounded line sense, combination of rose gold and white, all of those are named of "Maybach Selected".




It was designed to salute the series of car Maybach, and presents also the design concept of Benz "Sensibiliy and Purity”.





(Source: JJGLE.COM)


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