The Largest Flagship Store of Xiaomi Home Located in Wuhan

The number of stores in the country has broken 500

On October 1st, Xiaomi Home Wuhan flagship store opened in Wuhan Chuhe Han Street. This is the flagship store of the third Xiaomi home after Shenzhen and Nanjing, and the 500th millet home in the country. In addition, Xiaomi also introduced a new display scene of the “Smart Home” experience zone for the first time. The official said that it can bring a different “home” experience. It is reported that Wuhan flagship store is currently the world's largest and most complete millet home, using a three-story design, the first layer contains mobile phones, notebooks, batteries and other main products, the second layer specializes in selling millet products, the first The third floor is a smart home display.



As one of the new retail representatives, Xiaomi Home may have some inspirations for home furnishing companies, such as high-frequency electronic products, headphones, wristbands and batteries to drive low-end consumer goods, mobile phones and smart homes.



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