One hundred companies’ trillion plan in home furnishing industry

A strategy entitled One Hundred Companies’ Trillion Plan was officially initiated by China Building Decoration Association in this March.


A strategy entitled One Hundred Companies’ Trillion Plan was officially initiated by China Building Decoration Association in this March.


Wang Yuefei, secretary general of material branch of China Building Decoration Association, declared that the plan is to "collaborate with around one hundred house construction material manufacturers, support their domestic and export business, help them each grow to be company with more than 10 billion RMB sales revenue in three years time.”


Wang Yuefei indicated that the trillion-entity consists of the following aspects: the association takes in charge of the promotion; the digital port provides strong scene display experience, platform data exchange, storage and the distribution accurate to the last kilometer; the new technologies such as 3D digital modeling, virtual reality etc gather plenty of designers on the cloud platform for collaborative design, the brand building and promoting; the finance service provides more support.


The companies listed in the One Hundred Companies’ Trillion Plan are required to meet the creative, environment-friendly and capacity standards.




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