2015 China Furniture Industry Data Issued

Based on the date of National Bureau of Statistics, in the year of 2015, there are 5,290 large sized furniture manufacturers nationwide, with a cumulated total turnover of 787.25 billion RMB, rising 9.29% compared to 2014.

Based on the date of National Bureau of Statistics, in the whole year of 2015, there are 5,290 large sized furniture manufacturers nationwide, with a cumulated total turnover of 787.25 billion RMB, rising 9.29% compared to the year 2014, which shows a good result.

The large sized furniture manufacturers made a total of 50.09 billion RMB in profits, 14.03% higher than a year earlier. The profitable growth is higher than the growth in prime operating revenue.

The cumulative output of the large sized furniture manufacturers in 2015 reached 769.61 million, rising 0.38% compared to the year before. Although the speed of growth is slow, it maintains the same level of production.

The fixed investments was 288.18 billion RMB, increasing 17.7% compared to the year 2014, making a sustained growth.

The total exports of China’s furniture industry reached $ 54.28 billion, rising 1.62% compared to 2014, maintaining stability.


The total imports of China’s furniture industry reached $ 2.51 billion, dropping 10.57%, presenting a downward trend. It is one of the first indexes in the industry data to experience negative growth.



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