• 餐桌椅

    Dining Room - Chair

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方圆系列《餐桌椅》 Tables of Square & Round series 1、外观与细节:方圆系列《餐桌椅》的设计理念为传统与当代之融。设计时去掉餐桌上一切多余部位,摒弃华藻,继之以空灵、飘逸的线条;而桌面底部则采用双包设计,将所有结构件收纳于平整光滑的芯板。简约到极致的造型设计与考究到无瑕的结构设计,将古老的东方手工艺精华与当代审美融为一体。 1. Appearance and details of design: In this series, the concept is “fusion of tradition and contemporary”. The designer refuses any unnecessary components of dining-tables. By abandoning a luxurious style, works are added with a sense of elegance and succinct lines. With a double-side-wrap design, the mortise and tenon are also hidden on the bottom side of tables and all components of structure are in the flat board. The minimalist design and elaborate structure combine the essence of traditional oriental crafts and the contemporary aesthetics together. In this manner, the tables manage to present both convenience and a simple sense of beauty to customers. 《餐桌椅》的最初形制源于明式桌案,但对其线条设计影响更大的则是《八十七神仙卷》吴带当风的飘逸。设计者将家具线条意象为一条绸带,挥洒于壶门,气息在此婉转、延伸,潇洒、生动。 Though inspired by the shape and structure of tables and chairs of the Ming dynasty, design of lines in this series is greaterly influenced by the elegant way of painting of Wu Daozi, a renowned artist in Tang Dynasty and author of Paintings of Eighty Seven Immortals. The designer mirrors the image of silk ribbons, placing such components around upper corners of tables, further giving out a sense of elegance and liberty. 《餐桌椅》秉执方圆系列作品外方内圆的构件形状,运用比兴手法,将立身之道寓于家居。 In this series, the designer insists to adopt a square appearance yet an inside layout with round components. Such a design echoes the traditional Chinese outlook on life. As a matter of fact, the designer integrates such a philosophy with tables and chairs of the series. 餐桌及餐椅骨料取材于非洲热带雨林的名贵硬木,软包材料选用丹麦羊毛精纺面料。颜色冷峻,质地坚硬的材料与妍挺峭拔、削如兰竹的器形交相辉映,以简约内敛的气质,诠释着绚烂至极的平淡。 We adopt valuable hardwood of African tropical forests as material for the main body of tables and chairs, and exquisite Danish fleece as material for soft decoration. With heavy color and high quality, works of this series integrate simpleness and elegance, extending a sense of calmness. 2、工艺:榫卯结构,中国传统手工艺制作 2. Craftsmanship: Works of this series are made with traditional Chinese craftsmanship, adopting a structure combining mortise and tenon. 3、材质:东非黑黄檀 3. Materials: Dalbergia fusca of East Africa 4、环保:纯天然原料制作,表面涂料为天然蜂蜡 4. Environmental concerns: Works are made of 100% nature-grown materials and coated with natural bees wax.


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