Better Living - IKEA will create a future composite living space

Swedish furniture giant IKEA launched the “Better Living” project and the “Urban Villages” project to explore how to adapt homes and communities to the increasingly diverse lifestyles for consumers

Swedish furniture giant IKEA launched the “Better Living” project and the “Urban Villages” project to explore how to adapt homes and communities to the increasingly diverse lifestyles for consumers through the construction of a new generation of complex communities to give people a sense of belonging and improve their health and well-being index.


The project involves designing flexible homes, providing shared services and facilities for office, catering, fitness, transportation, retail, etc., planning nurseries, urban agriculture for the community, and enabling sustainable shared spaces with multiple office, family activities, entertainment and social interactions. 


In the “Better Living” project, IKEA has partnered with Ikano Bostad, a real estate company owned by the IKEA founder Kamprad family, which aims to make the future living space more inclusive, sustainable and more affordable.




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