The rugs’ gentle striation of natural sand and eucalypt hues meld seamlessly with Boddam’s oceanic-inspired forms and natural materials.

Sharing a design ethos founded on integrity, sustainability and ethical provenance, Daniel Boddam Studio and Armadillo have unveiled a combined installation of handcrafted furniture and rugs celebrating natural beauty and skilled craftsmanship.

Following the success of Boddam’ s virtual showroom in Paris, the architect/designer sought a collaborative platform to showcase his celebrated furniture pieces in real-time. 

Through an unfortunate twist of faith with Sydney’ s extended lockdowns, the public will now never get to experience the installation in person – so all the more reason for us to share it with you digitally.


Set in Armadillo’ s flagship showroom in Sydney, Coast presents two immersive interior settings grounded by Armadillo’ s latest range of hand-knotted Afghan wool rugs; Odessa.

The rugs’ gentle striation of natural sand and eucalypt hues meld seamlessly with Boddam’s oceanic-inspired forms and natural materials, presenting contemporary living and dining spaces of great sincerity and warmth.


The installation marks the launch of two new furniture pieces for Boddam – the Booham Chair and Pipi Table. 

Borrowing from the great traditions of Charlotte Perriand and Pierre Jeanneret, the Booham Chair combines a curved structure and rattan backrest to create a grounded yet breathable composition, while the Pipi Table sees two shell-like forms come together to create an organic, modernist arrangement.


The warm tones of the Odessa Arborio rug are complemented by Boddam’ s signature Wave Sofa and Armchair in sand-coloured boucle upholstery; a neutral, tonal exploration. A walnut Pipi Table, travertine Portsea Side Table and Geo Drum in a unifying sand hue complete the aesthetic tableau.


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