London design studio Aseptic Studio launches ergonomic cushions

Humanoid cushion with an extra long "arm" like a big hug

London Design Studio Aseptic Studio introduces an ergonomic headless torso-shaped cushion that promises to provide physical and emotional support for the lonely Millennials living in the city.



The cushion, called Mannequin, is shaped like the upper body of the human body and has an extra-long arm that wraps around the user for comfort.



The designer said: "When I feel lonely alone, I hold this cushion. It feels good after a long time. Hug can reduce stress and negative thinking. This is really fascinating."


Mannequin has a cotton outer shell that is filled with a soft polyester ball that is more comfortable than conventional fillers. The neck of the mat has an additional pad and is tilted forward to support the user's own neck and improve the user's posture.






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