These Root-Inspired Planters Look Ready To Crawl Away

Balancing on gawky, root-like legs, the pots look poised to spring to life and crawl away the moment you turn your head.


With his line of Monstera pots, Dutch designer Tim Van Der Weerd has injected a bit of anthropomorphic charm into the common planter. Balancing on gawky, root-like legs, the pots look poised to spring to life and crawl away the moment you turn your head.



Though precarious-looking, the spindly stands—named after the tropical plant species—have steel base covered in an industrial epoxy clay. And the fact that they look like some unnamed creature out of a Tim Burton movie? That's by design. As Van Der Weerd writes on his site, "The Monstera series is in fact a new 'species' of plant pots; one that liberates the plant from the windowsill and in which plants can regain their natural freedom, even within the interior." Perfect for bringing a house to life before Halloween.


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