China Government: Domestic Coronavirus transmission mainly in Wuhan is basically blocked

The national coronavirus was basically controlled.

On the 23rd, the central government's response to the Covid-19 Coronavirus work leading group held a meeting to deploy "external defense input, internal defense rebound" and orderly measures to resume work and resume production.


At present, the spread of the National Coronavirus in Wuhan, the main battlefield, is basically blocked, but the risk of sporadic cases and local outbreaks still exists.


Combined with the global situation of Coronavirus pandemic, it is necessary to implement the "external defense input, internal defense rebound" prevention and control strategy.


Key work

Wuhan and Hubei should do a good job in the treatment of critically ill patients, and promptly treat new cases;


Disclose the information openly and transparently, and do not conceal the omissions. Once an epidemic situation is discovered, it should be accurately controlled and controlled in the place where the case occurred and the possible spread;


Precise and effective prevention of epidemic cross-border input and output;


Our embassies and consulates abroad and other relevant parties must strive to do a good job in consular protection and epidemic protection for Chinese citizens abroad;


In most provinces of the country with persistently low risk, scientific and precise prevention and control must be promptly cancelled, and preventive and control measures incompatible with the normal order of production and life should be cancelled in time;


Cannot postpone the resumption of work;


Except for personnel from high-risk and medium-risk areas, other personnel will not be quarantined before taking up employment;


Compact local and unit responsibilities, and prevent and control workplaces and employees;


Localities should retain systems such as fever clinics, maintain emergency response capabilities, and achieve "four early";


The joint prevention and control mechanism of the State Council should guide local governments to dock with Hubei, and do a good job of returning home for those stranded in Hubei in a safe and orderly manner.

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