General Administration of Customs, P.R. China: Furniture Export in the First Nine Months of 2019 Totaled Nearly RMB270 Billion

, Up by 6.8% Year on Year

The General Administration of Customs recently announced that, according to customs statistics, the export amount of furniture and its parts in September was RMB28.52 billion, and from January to September, the cumulative export amount was RMB268.47 billion, up by 6.8% year on year and the growth rate fell by 1.3% from the previous month.



In the first nine months, the total export amount of seven major kinds of labor-intensive products, such as clothing, textile, furniture, footwear, plastic products, toys and luggage, reached RMB2.42 trillion, an increase of 6.2%, accounting for 19.4% of the gross export amount.



Among them, the cumulative export amount of furniture, lamps and lanterns, lighting devices and parts, as well as ceramic products and textiles, the four kinds of products related to household industry, totaled RMB1.16 trillion. In addition to ceramic products, the cumulative export growth of furniture, textiles, lamps and lanterns as well as lighting products fell.



Generally, from January to September 2019, the total value of China's import and export of foreign trade reached RMB22.91 trillion, up by 2.8% over the same period last year. Among them, the export value was RMB12.48 trillion, increased by 5.2%; the import totaled RMB10.43 trillion, down by 0.1%; and the trade surplus was RMB2.05 trillion with an increase of 44.2%.



In particular, we need to point out that the total import and export volume of the countries along the ''Belt and Road" totaled RMB6.65 trillion, up by 9.5%, 6.7% higher than the overall growth rate of China's foreign trade, accounting for 29% of China's total foreign trade volume.



In addition, Li Kuiwen, spokesman of the General Administration of Customs and director of the Department of Statistical Analysis, also gave a briefing on China-US trade data:



"According to customs statistics, the total value of bilateral foreign trade between China and the United States in the first three quarters of this year was RMB2.75 trillion, down by 10.3% year on year, accounting for 12% of the total value of China's foreign trade in the same period, including China's exports to the United States of RMB2.13 trillion, down by 6%, and its imports from the United States of RMB619.42 billion, down by 22.5%.  In US dollars, the total value of bilateral trade between China and the United States in the first three quarters was USD402.66 billion, down by 14.8% year on year, including China's exports to the United States of USD312 billion, down by 10.7%, and its imports from the United States of USD90.66 billion, down by 26.4%.







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