Chinese Flower Shop Brand ‘The Beast’ Opens A New Modern Home Brand ‘T-B-H’

Located on the basement of Jing'an Kerry Centre, Shanghai

T-B-H is The Beast's latest home furnishing brand.


“We started to make this brand in February of this year,” said Duanmu Shiyi, the brand planner of Beast Home/T-B-H.




Beast Home has opened five stores in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou.


“Beast Home is a mid- to high-end home brand for mature customers, and T-B-H is a modern home brand for young people,” explains Amber, founder of The Beast.


Because most of Beast Home showcases high-end home furnishing products abroad, it is not very friendly to many young consumers in terms of price. Therefore, on the one hand, in order to distinguish from Beast Home, the other side is also to capture the young people market, the price of T-B-H is significantly lower than the average price of products sold by Beast Home. For example, Beast Home may have a lot of chairs for 8,000 yuan, but the T-B-H chair sells for 699 yuan.



Matching pricing also has a younger product design direction.


“The design of many of our home products is actually a bit of a tribute to memories after 80 and 90.” Duanmu Shiyi pointed to an iron table and chair in the store and said, “This chair is called a class chair. The design imitates the modern Chinese. The young people, the so-called desks and chairs used in the 80s and 90s before going to school, we hope to be able to resonate with more consumers through this design." Similar to the "people-made" items There are many in the store, such as tables dedicated to freelancers and so on.


The store can also see co-branded products launched in collaboration with artists and designers. Recently, a gray “HunTun” sofa displayed in the T-B-H store was designed in collaboration with the founder of the URBANCRAFT brand and home designer Li Ximi. According to reports, in January 2019, T-B-H will also launch a series of co-branded home products designed by artist Chen Zhuo.


T-B-H's autonomy in product development and pricing is ultimately due to its ability to capture most of the production from design to processing.





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