
China: Redwood furniture prices climbing

According to the well-known domestic "redwood" furniture manufacturer, Liantianhong current tariffs on redwood furniture account for 20% of production costs.


According to the well-known domestic "redwood" furniture manufacturer, Liantianhong current tariffs on redwood furniture account for 20% of production costs. Because of this prices for redwood furniture have risen by between 5%-10% since the beginning of August but producers are finding it difficult to trade at these new higher prices as the buyers are resisting the increase.


Liantianhong says the redwood furniture Chinese market has cooled and those with large stocks are under pressure to dispose of the log stocks to avoid any further losses. At present the redwood log market is weak and prices for East African blackwood, African rosewood and Myanmar padauk have fallen.


However, prices for high quality rosewoods are still firm. In related news statistics from Guangxi Customs for the first half show that imports of redwood logs and redwood furniture by manufacturers in Pingxiang City were valued at yuan 660 million, up by a factor of 5 year on year.

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