The story of Elmo began in a traditional workshop in Panyu, China, where the Chiang family had been hand restoring antiques for 30 years. A few years ago, William Chiang started to experiment using traditional wood working skills to construct furniture out of old, reclaimed Elm wood. Wooden joinery was extensively applied, a specialty that remains a pillar in our furniture making technique. These contemporary furniture were well received and jump-started the brand Elmo. In 2012, designer Giordano Caldarini from Italy joined Elmo with a strong passion in designing solid wood furniture. Together, William and Giordano took Elmo towards a new direction in design while keeping true to the time proven wood working skills.
Our easy-going yet vibrant style is mostly inspired by retro and modern design, whereas the functionality aspect of the designs are inspired by the dynamic metropolitan lifestyle. Hence, the beautiful pieces are not only simple and easy to use, but also adaptable to different interiors. We especially developed our color pallet after experimenting with a variety of finishing techniques to ensure that the colors do not hide the use of solid wood and refined furniture construction. By allowing customers to mix and match the different colors in our color pallet, the pieces are able to assume distinct personalities, ranging from lovably quirky or charmingly down-to-earth to magnificently extraordinaire. Maintaining Elmo's loyalty to using environmental friendly material, our furniture uses FSC approved timber from North America.